
Ritmos cotidianos

05 12 24


This sequence of videos is made through consecutive frames that are produced analogically and separately. These are narrative series that explore other ways of representing domestic scenarios through movement. This video was exhibited at the Buenos Aires Architecture Biennial in 2024


Architecture studio

Buenos Aires, Argentina

+54 911 5581 4903

Formed by Lucila Ottolenghi, Natalia Kahanoff, Luciana Casoy y Florencia Lopez Iriquin in the City of Buenos Aires. His main interest lies in the realization of projects and materialization of single-family and collective housing, both in transformations of pre-existing and in new construction. His professional practice also addresses the field of teaching and both theoretical and practical research. It is a space for work and friendship that combines diverse but defined roles. Each project is taken as a field of inquiry to experiment with approach methods that allow heterogeneous results at all scales.

Website: Pinkus